This article explain how to use the call features for Wave softphone for Desktop.
Article Contents
Article Summary
The Wave softphone app has a wide range of call features and options. These range from simply making a call, putting someone on hold or even recording calls. This guide will explain how to use these features.
Logging into the Softphone App
First of all your must be using Google Chrome as currently it is the only browser supported.
You can download Google Chrome from here.
To get started please click on the image below to login
Alternatively go to in your search bar.
Receiving a Call
When you receive a call on your Wave softphone the call will appear as below.
Here you can accept or decline the call using the red and green buttons. If you wish to ignore the call and let call ring out, please click anywhere in the dark area of the screen.

You will also see this notification if your screen is not on the Wave app.

Call Features on a Call
When a call has started you will be presented with the following screen. You can see the call history the user has with this number
This allows you to input numbers on a call. Useful when calling a Voice Menu.
You can use this to place a caller on hold.
You can use this to turn on and off call recording for a particular call.
This allows you to transfer the call to another number, without announcing the call
Attended Transfer
This allows you to transfer the call to another number, announcing the call.